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4.4 ( 5344 ratings )
유틸리티 의료
개발자: Michael Phang
0.99 USD

BiliMatic is a tool that makes it easy for healthcare professionals to compare a newborns serum bilirubin levels with standardized reference ranges for a given patients age and risk factors according to Clinical Practice Guidelines established by the American Academic of Pediatrics.

BiliMatic makes it easy to determine hours from birth to lab draw (or users can input this directly), and allows users to easily convert between different units. It includes options for considering a patients risk factors and gestational age at delivery.

BiliMatic references the American Academy of Pediatrics 2004 Guidelines for Hyperbilirubinemia. Your patients data is plotted directly onto the AAPs phototherapy reference nomogram, making it easier for you to visualize data. The nomogram is browsable, allowing you to read reference values for low/medium/high risk newborns with a touch of your finger. The Bhutani nomogram for designating risk of hyperbilirubinemia is also provided.

BiliMatics beautiful and simple-to-use interface is optimized for modern iOS and iPadOS devices. The app works in both Imperial (mg/dL) and SI (µmol/L) units, and will even remember your preference and adjust nomogram axes appropriately. Users have the option of calculating a neonates age by dates, or they can input it directly.

BiliMatic is a handy tool thats useful for many users, whether youre a paediatrician, family doctor, nurse, resident, or medical student! BiliMatic is intended for use by medical professionals. If you are a patient, consult your doctor or healthcare provider for medical advice.